The concept we all know about retirement is that we do it at age 60 to break free from work-life to finally start enjoying life. The catch is, when you’re old, you have time and money but no more energy left. So how can we fully enjoy retirement if all we want to do at that age is to stay home and take care of our grandchildren?
The solution is doing mini retirements! I talked to the couple who retired in their 20s on why they did it and how they planned the entire thing. Nicole and Prax believed that we should enjoy life when we have energy and money—all we need to do is make time for it.
What is a Mini Retirement?
It is taking a sneak peek at what a full retirement looks like, but in an earlier stage in life. Mini Retirements allow us to live the life we want to have without worrying about anything.
Honestly, they inspired me to take on my own mini-retirement journey for the last three months. I do have my realizations while living my life worry-free in another country, but I’ll save it for later.
Here’s what Nicole and Prax taught me that everyone should know about mini-retirements:
You could leave this world even before you reach 60, which means that you might haven’t done anything you want at all. Why not experience things when you're in your 20s instead of waiting for a full retirement at the age of 60?
Distribute your mini-retirement so you can enjoy life at age 20, 30, 40, or whenever you like. It can be a solo trip for 6- months or just you in your house enjoying solitude over the weekend. You get to choose.
Take a leap of faith and follow what you really want to do in life.
Plan. Plan. Plan. Mini-retirements need money too. Take calculated risks when deciding to live how many months in your life without working. It’s hard to be broke and sad after all the enjoyment right?
I’ve said it before, and I’m still going to repeat it now: Life is more fun when we make our happiness the foundation of what we do. Happiness unlocks limitless possibilities.
Working and hustling for money and our priorities shouldn’t eat up our time that we have to sacrifice our happiness. If you want to know more about their story, listen to this Quarter-Life Bliss episode with Nicole and Prax.